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Newspaper Collections

A guide to digital, rare and Los Angeles newspaper collections at The Huntington.

Rare newspapers

Rare newspaper titles and collections are for the most part discoverable through the library catalog.

View lists of newspapers and titles in The Huntington's collections, organized by date:

Not all of the Huntington's early newspapers are represented in the library catalog. Be sure to consult Anthony Gabler's "Checklist of English newspapers and periodicals before 1801 in the Huntington Library" for additional items. Contact the library to inquire about accessing materials not listed in the library catalog.

Amateur Newspapers

The Huntington also has a modest specimen collection of small newspapers, or amateur newspapers, many of which were established after the American Civil War using small and inexpensive printing presses. Most date to the 19th century and were published across the United States. View amateur newspapers in the library catalog.

Pamphlet Collections

Several large pamphlet collections were acquired by Henry Huntington en bloc:

  • About 500 pamphlets, news sheets and broadsides were listed in P.M. Barnard's "An Illustrated Catalogue of English Pamphlets...," documenting the political history of England in the 17th century. The entire contents of the sale were acquired by Mr. Huntington in 1923. Individual titles from the sales catalog may be searched in the library catalog.
  • In 1925, Henry Huntington purchased the contents of the Museum Book Store's "A Century of Conflict in America: Catalogue of a Collection of Tracts and Manuscripts from Walker's Expedition Against Quebec in 1711 to the War of 1812." Individual titles from the sales catalog may be searched in the library catalog.