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Using the Library

Information for Readers and Fellows.

Library Information

Because of the special nature of our collections, the library observes the following policies:

  • Access to the library can be provided to anyone age 18 and over upon establishing a research need that requires the use of The Huntington’s collections.
  • Before accessing the Library, all researchers must:
  • The collections are non-circulating; all materials must be used within the Library.
  • We strongly encourage readers to bring a minimum of personal belongings into the Library. Personal items may not be stored in the Library overnight or for extended periods of time.
  • Library materials must be handled in accordance with the handling guidelines.
  • Food and beverages must be enjoyed outside of the Library.
  • Researchers quoting from or reproducing images of Library materials agree to abide by the Library's Rights and Permissions policy.

Additional Acknowledgments:

  • Security cameras monitor the library during all hours.
  • When leaving the library, readers will be asked to open their bags and laptop cases for security inspection.
  • The Huntington Library is not responsible for any lost or damaged personal property, including electronic devices.
  • California state law authorizes the detention for a reasonable period of any person using these facilities suspected of committing "Library Theft" (Penal Code Section 490.5).

Library Card Terms and Conditions

Readers agree to the following:

  • Library cards are issued and renewed to anyone age 18 and over based on a need to use library materials in the reading rooms.
  • Before receiving a library card, researchers must provide a current, government-issued photo ID, such as:
    • Driver's License
    • State ID
    • Passport
  • Cards are valid for one year from the issue date. Expired cards must be renewed through an in-person orientation appointment.
  • Cards are non-transferable.
  • Cards cannot be issued or renewed for ancillary privileges, including access to electronic resources or subscription databases. License agreements govern electronic resources, and the terms of use are set by the publishers and vendors from which they are subscribed.
  • Use of the card is governed by The Huntington's policies and can be revoked at any time.
  • These terms are subject to change.

Community Code of Conduct

The Huntington Library is dedicated to making the research experience as rewarding and productive as possible for all readers and to preserving our collections for future generations of scholars. Please help us in following these guidelines in order to secure the stability of our collections and ensure a respectful and comfortable working environment for everyone.

Readers must treat members of The Huntington community (such as employees, visitors and readers) and Huntington property with care and respect. All readers are expected to contribute to an atmosphere that is conducive to research and respects the rights, diversity, and privacy of others. 

It is important to adhere to The Huntington's policies, which prohibits the following activities on Huntington grounds:

  • Possessing weapons or any other hazardous substance or device.
  • Smoking, using tobacco or marijuana, or conducting business or research under the influence of alcohol.
  • Endangering or threatening person(s) or property, including threatening actions or speech, or the disruption of work.
  • Harassing, intimidating, or coercing any Huntington community member.
  • Willfully damaging or mishandling collections and other Huntington property.
  • Using the library's computers or wireless internet to gain unauthorized access to information systems, violate the privacy of others, or access/disseminate material that violates federal, state, or local laws or regulations.

Lastly, in the event of an evacuation, whether a drill or emergency, instructions from Huntington staff must be followed.