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Library Hours
Monday, Thursday, and Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Tuesday and Wednesday: 9 a.m.–7 p.m.
Closed weekends, major holidays, and other planned closures.
Because of the special nature of our collections, the library observes the following policies:
Additional Acknowledgments:
Readers agree to the following:
The Huntington Library is dedicated to making the research experience as rewarding and productive as possible for all readers and to preserving our collections for future generations of scholars. Please help us in following these guidelines in order to secure the stability of our collections and ensure a respectful and comfortable working environment for everyone.
Readers must treat members of The Huntington community (such as employees, visitors and readers) and Huntington property with care and respect. All readers are expected to contribute to an atmosphere that is conducive to research and respects the rights, diversity, and privacy of others.
It is important to adhere to The Huntington's policies, which prohibits the following activities on Huntington grounds:
Lastly, in the event of an evacuation, whether a drill or emergency, instructions from Huntington staff must be followed.