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Like a search engine, Summon Discovery allows you to search seamlessly across the library's resources including The Huntington's library catalog, digital library, finding aids, full-text articles from academic databases, and lots more!
Narrow your results using the facets on the left. For example, to limit your results to the:
From the panels on the right, one click will take you to any potential results in the:
Didn't find what you need? Try searching resources separately:
For additional help, don't hesitate to contact the library.
Phrase Searching
Summon™ allows for phrase searching with the use of " ". The query "teacher education" will find results with that phrase.
Searching Specific Fields
The single search box in Summon™ (basic search box or keyword search box in advanced search) will search across many fields automatically. For example, entering an ISBN, ISSN, or Call Number will bring back associated records.
You can explicitly search a field using the syntax: field:(query) For example, the search ISSN:(1234-5678) finds records that contain that value in the ISSN field.
Searchable fields:
Publication Title
Summon offers the following Boolean operations: AND, OR and NOT. The operators must be written in ALL CAPS.
By default, all terms in a search are combined with the AND operator. To expand the results set, use the OR operator. For example, microcircuits OR nanocircuits will return items that contain either term.
This can be combined with quoted terms such as "teacher education" OR "educator training".
To exclude items in Summon, use the NOT operator or - character before a term. When used in the following query animal NOT dog, the results will not include the term dog.
Searches within Summon™ can be performed using the wildcards ? and *.
The question mark (?) will match any one character and can be used to find Olsen or Olson by searching for Ols?n.
The asterisk (*) will match zero or more characters within a word or at the end of a word. A search for Ch*ter would match Charter, Character, and Chapter. When used at the end of a word, such as Temp*, it will match all suffixes Temptation, Temple and Temporary.
Wildcards cannot be used as the first character of a search.
Summon™ supports the following browsers and phones:
Internet Explorer 9.0+
Firefox (current - 1) or current
Safari (current - 1) or current
Chrome (current - 1) or current
iPhone 5.0+
Android 4.0+